Last week Tyler worked in St. George so Elsie and I went with! We stayed at Kim and Jon's house! It was so much fun we just relaxed and our cute kids played! I miss them so much already! Kim took these really cute pictures of Elsie when we went to the park! We love St. George it was so much fun!
These pictures crack me up! We sat Cutler and Elsie on this step to get some pictures. At first they just stare at each other, then Cutler tried to push Elsie away, and then Elsie being the drama queen that she is covered her eyes and fake cried! Also while we were down there Elsie would bend down to Cutler and call him "this" or we would say Elsie where is Cutler? She would put her hands up and say "THIS?" It was so cute! Thanks again Henrie Family we appreciate everything you did for us!